WHY ME? WHY ME ONLY? IS I A SCAPEGOAT chosen by GOD? Have you ever asked these questions to yourself? Sure in this uncertain life one faces situations where these questions pop up. Same happened with me. I was wondering why it was going wrong. Loads of thinking bore no result. Many of us believe in the omnipotent that controls us like puppet. We question him for showing apathy towards us. Is he wrongly scripting our life or is he not in good mood while scripting it. Well, here lies the answer to all our questions.
A small exercise will help us find answer to these questions. Go in flashback mode, think of the happiest things happened to you. It could be as small as joy of cherishing an ice cream or as big as getting through IIMs or getting married to person whom you love. Now notice a common factor here, the STRUGGLE and PAIN you had to go through to achieve it – when as a small kid, you cried vociferously for an ice cream, the way you worked harder like an ASS to get into IIMs. What made these happiest moments “THE HAPPIEST MOMENTS” is the struggle, will power and pain associated with them. Here is the answer to all our questions. Our life is scripted in a way, to make us struggle to achieve our goal and ambition so that we can cherish the happiest moments which are hard earned and fought.
Don’t be disheartened or depressed by failures, it’s just that success needs little more hard work. Life throw many surprises, don’t give up on failures, success may be just round the corner. The Happiest moments are destined for you, you just have to be determined, focussed and patient. It’s just that the door to the wealth of happiness requires just an extra push. String of failures means something much better is destined for you what you had never imagined.
Ending it with a famous proverb by me:
You don’t get a happiest moment by luck, you earn it.